Photos of our "Scouts in Action" during the Pre Klondike have been added to Photo Album section of our website. Click on Photo Albums under the menu tab and open the Pre Klondike folder. Enjoy!
The Troop is planning for next summer's Boy Scout camps and we need some information. Please provide what details you can so we can align opportunities with availability. Thanks!
For those in the troop interested in radio. We will have several stations on the air and also the Radio MB class will be given. I am the MB counselor for the Radio MB for T414.
If you are interested in working on your Railroad Merit Badge, Clark's Trading Post has two special days for you to work on it along with a special price for attending for the day. You can choose which day you want to work on it and you can go with your parents. You can go on either June 2ndorJune 22nd. You do need to get requirements one, two and three done ahead of time. I (Mrs. Eno) am a Railroad Merit Badge Councilor and am willing to help you with them. Clark's Trading Post will have a BSA certified Rialroad merit badge councilor there to sign everything off for you.
Please get your blue card from Mr. Belanger and see me so that I know that you are interested. You also need to give me a check for $15 per person for those who will be going with you along with the date you plan on going by May 16th.
Scouts need to get to and from Clarks on your own (i.e. with your parent(s)). I am only pre-registering you.
The BEAR facts:
For those who are working on the Railroad merit badge, please do requirements 1, 2, and 3 of your worksheet and bring them in on Thursday. I need to sign off on them prior to you going to Clark's Trading Post. Thursday will be our last regular meeting and I would like to be able to sign off on the first three requirements before you go up.